What’s new with you this year?
Welcome to 2019! With the rush of the holiday season behind us, January can feel like a welcome respite. It can also be a good time to take stock of last year and look ahead toward what changes may be coming in 2019.
You may find that your family has experienced or will soon experience some life changes. These changes might be positive. There may be a new birth, home or job, or perhaps a young adult is now driving or has moved out on his or her own for the first time. Or it could be that your business had a great year and you are ready to hire additional people. Other changes may be negative, such as a divorce, death in the family, or loss of employment.
Take a close look
Changes — good or bad — can mean your insurance needs have changed. Now is a good time to take a close look. Do you have the appropriate coverage to protect yourself and loved ones, your home, business, vehicles and important possessions?
Insurance products are meant to cover people’s risks. Proper insurance coverage can help you pick up the pieces and move on when things go wrong. Perhaps you have no idea what coverage you need, or would simply like some advice about it.
Reach out for help
Please know that you are welcome to call on Bradish Associates to help you walk through your insurance coverage needs. We can help you assess your risks to give you peace of mind for what may lie ahead. May the year 2019 be a year of happiness and good health, and may you have the confidence that you and your assets are protected when things aren’t going so well.
by Kris Mainellis