After a car accident, opinions often vary about what is — or should have been — covered by auto insurance. This article debunks seven top auto insurance myths. Knowing what is not covered, and what could be covered, will help clarify where your current policy may be lacking.

July 17, 2023
Seven top auto insurance myths, busted
Do you know what’s in your auto insurance policy? Don't wait until a crash or another mishap. Take time now to clear up auto insurance confusion.

January 31, 2023
Clearing up auto insurance confusion
Your auto insurance rate has probably gone up. Or it’s about to, due to a number of variables. While you can’t control all the factors that impact auto insurance rates, there are several things you can do to save money on your auto policy.

August 4, 2022
Here’s why your auto insurance rate is going up
Halloween evening is one of the most dangerous times for pedestrians, especially children. It's up to all of us — motorists, parents, and pedestrians of all ages — to do our part to stay alert and follow simple safety practices as we navigate our streets and roadways — on Halloween and every other day.

October 7, 2021
Make pedestrian safety a priority for trick-or-treaters
A road trip is just the thing for the warm, sunny months of summer. Before you hop in the car, though, a little prep work and planning can ensure safe and happy summer travels.