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Spring is upon us. That means warmer weather and tax-refund checks on the way. It also means house projects are going to start up very soon, if they haven’t already. Oftentimes these projects require a professional contractor to do the work, whether it’s replacing windows, updating a bathroom or simply doing a spring cleanup.

Insurance Needs, Personal Insurance

March 26, 2019

Why Homeowners Should Hire an Insured Contractor

The Internet is a vast pool of knowledge with information and resources only a few clicks away. But not everything it has to offer is designed to benefit you. Internet scams are everywhere, affecting both consumers and businesses.

Business Insurance, Insurance Needs

March 22, 2019

Protect Your Business From Internet Fraud

Numbers of motor vehicle related deaths are holding steady in a disturbing pattern. The National Safety Council, based in Itasca, Ill., estimates that the death toll in 2018 reached 40,000. This is the third year in a row that motor vehicle deaths have approached this number.

Safe Driving

March 21, 2019

Pay Attention to the Basics to Prevent Car Crashes

After almost no snow through December, the Chicagoland area was finally pounded by a powerful snowstorm in mid-January. It's not too late to get yourself and your vehicle prepared for next time. Read on for some common-sense tips to help you avoid a winter driving emergency:

Safe Driving

January 10, 2019

Avoid a Winter Driving Emergency

Welcome to 2019! With the rush of the holiday season behind us, January can feel like a welcome respite. It can also be a good time to take stock of last year and look ahead toward what changes may be coming in 2019.

Insurance Needs, Personal Insurance

January 10, 2019

Taking Stock of Life’s Changes

We keep hearing about car accidents involving distracted driving. Recently in the Chicago suburbs, a driver with several passengers flipped his car on an expressway exit-ramp curve. He and a female passenger were killed. The other passengers were injured, but survived. One wonders if distracted driving played a part in this tragedy.

Healthy Habits, Safe Driving

April 18, 2018

What Are You Doing to Prevent Distracted Driving?

How can you, as a small business owner in the Chicago area, keep expenses under control and still provide the best employee health insurance for a more reasonable price? The choices are mind-boggling and the costs seem to only go up.

Business Insurance, Health Insurance, Insurance Needs

March 15, 2018

Finding the Best Employee Health Insurance: Who’s Doing the Homework?

I have worked in the insurance industry for a number of years, and in that time have spoken with countless people involved in a car accident. While I have always been able to give them advice based on my professional opinion, I have never been able to speak from experience. Until now.

Insurance Needs, Personal Insurance

January 21, 2018

What I Learned From Being in a Car Accident

Thanks to technology and public-awareness campaigns (don’t text and drive!), driving has become safer over the past few years. So why have auto insurance rates generally been trending upward? You would think that having safer vehicles, with all the safety bells and whistles, would decrease insurance costs, right? Think again.

Insurance Needs, Personal Insurance

January 4, 2018

Examining an Upward Trend in Auto Insurance Rates

Protecting what matters